
What is a Leaderboard?

A leaderboard is a ranking system where players are listed in order of their scores or other performance metrics. Leaderboards are often used in competitive gaming, online gaming, and other competitive activities. It is an effective way of motivating players to compete and strive for higher scores.

Types of Leaderboards

Leaderboards can be broken down into two main categories, global and local. Global leaderboards are used to track and compare players’ scores across multiple platforms or game modes. These leaderboards are often based on high scores, time spent playing, and other performance metrics. Local leaderboards are usually used to rank players within a specific game or game mode, or even within a single game session.

Examples of Leaderboards

Leaderboards are often used in popular online games such as League of Legends and Fortnite, where players can view their rank against other players globally or within their region. Some games, such as Call of Duty, even feature leaderboards that track players’ performance across different game modes.

Benefits of Leaderboards

Leaderboards are an effective way to motivate players to compete and strive for higher scores. They can also provide a sense of community and competition, as well as a way to measure progress and track improvement. Leaderboards can also be used to reward players who have achieved a certain score or rank, by offering them exclusive in-game rewards or other benefits.


Leaderboards are an effective tool for motivating players and providing a sense of competition and community. They are also a great way to measure progress and track improvement. Leaderboards can be used in a variety of games and game modes, and can offer players exclusive rewards or other benefits.
