
What is Markdown?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language used for formatting plain text. It is designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats using a tool by the same name. Markdown is often used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using a plain text editor.

Markdown Syntax

Markdown has a very simple syntax which consists of standard punctuation and character combinations. These symbols are used to indicate formatting such as headings, bold, italics, blockquotes, and lists. Here are some examples of Markdown syntax:

  • Headings: Use one to six # symbols to indicate a heading, with one being the highest order (e.g. # Heading 1).
  • Bold: Use two asterisks or underscores before and after a word or phrase to make it bold (e.g. **bold** or __bold__).
  • Italics: Use one asterisk or underscore before and after a word or phrase to make it italicized (e.g. *italics* or _italics_).
  • Blockquotes: Use a > symbol before a line of text to indicate a blockquote (e.g. > this is a blockquote).
  • Lists: Use a * or – symbol before each item to create a bulleted list (e.g. * item1, * item2).

Using Markdown

Markdown can be used in many different ways, from formatting text on web pages, to writing messages in online discussion forums, to creating rich text documents with a plain text editor. It is also used for writing readme files in source code repositories, such as GitHub. Markdown is easy to learn and use, and it is becoming increasingly popular. It is especially useful for writers who want to quickly add formatting to their text without having to use complicated HTML tags.


Markdown is a lightweight markup language that is used for formatting plain text. It has a simple syntax which consists of standard punctuation and character combinations, and it is easy to learn and use. Markdown can be used in many different ways, from formatting web pages to creating rich text documents.

