
What is Markup?

Markup is a type of computer language which is used to create documents with structure and style. This language is used to define elements within a document such as headings, paragraphs, lists, and images. It is also used to specify how the document should be formatted and displayed.

How Does Markup Work?

Markup is typically written in plain text and contains special symbols and words which define the elements of the document. These symbols and words are known as tags or markup tags. When the document is rendered, the markup tags are converted into the appropriate formatting for the document. For example, a heading tag might be converted into a larger font size when the document is displayed.

Examples of Markup

Below are some examples of markup which can be used to create a document:

  • Headings:


  • Paragraphs:


  • Lists:
  • List Item
Bold: Bold Text


Markup is an essential part of creating documents on the web. It provides structure and styling for documents which can then be displayed in a web browser. By understanding the basics of markup, you can create documents which are rich in content and easy to read. For more information on markup, please see the following links: