Omnibus panel

What is an Omnibus Panel?

An omnibus panel is a type of survey that provides a cost-effective and time-efficient way of interviewing a large number of people about their opinions and behaviours. It is a type of market research that allows businesses to quickly and easily collect data from a large sample size.

Benefits of an Omnibus Panel

Using an omnibus panel provides a number of advantages to businesses. These include:

  • Cost-effective: Omnibus surveys are cost-effective, as they allow businesses to use the same survey to ask a large number of people the same questions.
  • Time-efficient: Omnibus surveys are time-efficient, as the survey can be completed quickly and easily.
  • Large sample size: Omnibus surveys allow businesses to collect data from a large number of people, which can provide more accurate results.
  • Easy to analyse: The data from an omnibus survey is easy to analyse, as the same questions are asked to all participants.

Examples of Omnibus Panels

An example of an omnibus panel is the Gallup World Poll, which is an annual survey of more than 150,000 people in more than 150 countries. The survey asks questions about topics such as politics, economics, health, and social values. Another example of an omnibus panel is the GfK Consumer Life Survey, which is a survey of over 20,000 people in the United States. The survey asks questions about topics such as consumer behaviour, technology usage, and media consumption.


Omnibus panels are a cost-effective and time-efficient way of collecting data from a large sample size. They are easy to analyse, as the same questions are asked to all participants. Examples of omnibus panels include the Gallup World Poll and the GfK Consumer Life Survey.
