Phrase Match

Understanding Phrase Match

Phrase match is a keyword match type in Google Ads that allows you to target customers more precisely than with broad match. Phrase match will only show ads to customers who search for the exact phrase or close variants of that phrase, with additional words before or after the phrase.

Example of Phrase Match

Let’s say you’re an online shoe retailer who wants to advertise your business. You can use phrase match to target people who search for “red leather shoes.” Here are some of the searches that would trigger your ad:

  • Red leather shoes
  • Where to buy red leather shoes
  • Cheap red leather shoes
  • Red leather shoes near me

How it Differs from Broad Match

Broad match is the most general match type, and will show your ads for searches that include the words you’ve specified, regardless of order. With broad match, you have the potential to show your ads for searches you may not have anticipated. Phrase match is more restrictive. It requires that searchers use the exact phrase you specify, or close variants with additional words before or after the phrase. This allows you to target more specific searches and control who sees your ads.


Phrase match is a great way to reach more specific audiences on Google Ads. By targeting searches that include the exact phrase you’ve specified, plus additional words, you can reach customers who are looking for exactly what you offer.More Resources: