Random sample

What is a Random Sample?

A random sample is a subset of a larger population that is chosen using random selection techniques. It is used in any process or experiment where a researcher needs to obtain data from a representative group of people. Random samples are important for research due to the random selection process. This ensures that the results of the study are representative of the entire population, rather than being biased towards a particular group of participants. By randomly selecting participants from the population, researchers are able to maintain objectivity and accuracy in their results.

Examples of Random Sampling

Random sampling is used in a variety of research and experiment designs. Here are some examples of random sampling:

  • Surveys – Random sampling is used to select a representative group of people to participate in surveys. The survey sample is designed to be representative of the population being studied.
  • Experiments – Random sampling is used in experiments to ensure that the results are accurate and reliable. All participants are randomly selected from the population, ensuring that there is no bias in the results.
  • Clinical trials – Random sampling is used to select participants for clinical trials of new drugs and treatments. By randomly selecting participants, researchers are able to ensure that the results are representative of the entire population.
  • Marketing research – Random sampling is used in marketing research to select a representative group of people to participate in focus groups and surveys.


Random sampling is an important tool for researchers as it ensures that the results of the study are representative of the entire population. It is used in a variety of research and experiment designs, including surveys, experiments, clinical trials, and marketing research. For more information on random sampling, please visit the following links: