Sales territory

What is a Sales Territory?

A sales territory is an area of responsibility assigned to a salesperson or team of salespeople within a business. The sales territory is typically based on geography, such as city, county, state, or region, but it can also be based on other factors such as customer type or industry. The purpose of a sales territory is to provide a defined area for a salesperson to focus their efforts and increase their sales.

Benefits of a Sales Territory System

A sales territory system benefits both the salesperson and the organization. It can help the salesperson understand their customer base, identify opportunities, and plan their time more efficiently. It also allows the organization to better allocate resources, track performance, and measure results. Here are some of the benefits a sales territory system can provide:

  • Increased focus and efficiency for salespeople
  • Better resource allocation and tracking
  • Improved customer relationships
  • Greater visibility into sales results
  • Faster response to customer needs

Examples of Sales Territories

The structure of a sales territory system will vary depending on the size and nature of the business. Here are some examples of typical sales territories:

  • Geographic: A salesperson is assigned a particular region, such as a city, county, state, or country.
  • Industry: A salesperson is assigned a particular industry, such as healthcare, retail, or technology.
  • Product: A salesperson is assigned a particular product, such as a type of software or hardware.
  • Account: A salesperson is assigned a particular account, such as a large customer or corporate client.


A sales territory system can help businesses maximize their sales efforts and improve their results. It allows salespeople to focus their efforts, develop relationships, and respond more quickly to customer needs. Organizations can also track performance and measure results more accurately. For more information, you can read this article on Setting Up a Sales Territory Plan or this article on Sales Territory Management.