Sampling control

What is Sampling Control?

Sampling control is the process of selecting and evaluating the samples used in quality control. It is essential for ensuring the quality of products and services by finding and resolving issues before they become bigger problems. It involves monitoring the process of sampling and making sure that the sample is representative of the entire population.

Benefits of Sampling Control

Sampling control helps to reduce costs and improve the quality of products and services. It can detect problems earlier in the production process, enabling businesses to take corrective actions quickly. This can reduce the number of defective products and services and improve customer satisfaction. Additionally, sampling control helps businesses to monitor changes in the production process and identify areas where improvements can be made.

Examples of Sampling Control

Here are some examples of how businesses use sampling control:

  • Inspection Sampling: This is used to inspect parts or products and determine if they meet the desired standards. The sample size and criteria used to select the sample must be documented to ensure accuracy.
  • Stability Sampling: This type of sampling is used to monitor the stability of a product over time. The sample size and criteria used must be documented to ensure accuracy and consistency.
  • Statistical Process Control: This is used to identify any patterns or trends in the production process that may indicate problems. The sample size and criteria used must be documented to ensure accuracy and consistency.


Sampling control is an important part of quality control. It helps to reduce costs and improve the quality of products and services. It can also help to identify problems and areas for improvement in the production process.
