Sole usage

What is Sole Usage?

Sole usage is the exclusive right of an individual or a company to use a particular trademark or service mark. It is granted by the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) or the relevant national authority to ensure that the mark is properly protected.

Benefits of Sole Usage

Sole usage provides a number of benefits, both for the owner and for the public. By registering a trademark or service mark, the owner can:

  • Prevent others from using the same or similar marks
  • Protect the brand’s reputation
  • Establish an exclusive right to use the mark
  • Obtain a legal presumption of ownership
  • Ensure that the mark is properly protected by law

For the public, sole usage ensures that the mark is properly protected and that others cannot exploit it for their own gain. It also provides assurance that the mark is being used in a legitimate manner.

Examples of Sole Usage

One of the most famous examples of sole usage is Coca-Cola. The company has exclusive rights to the Coca-Cola trademark, which it has registered with the IPO. This means that no other company can use the same or a similar mark to sell their own products. Another example of sole usage is Apple. Apple’s trademarks and service marks, such as the iconic Apple logo, are registered with the IPO and are exclusively owned by Apple. This means that no other company can use these marks to promote their own products or services.


Sole usage is an important concept in intellectual property law. It ensures that the owner of a trademark or service mark has exclusive rights to use the mark, and that the mark is properly protected. Examples of sole usage include Coca-Cola and Apple, which have registered their trademarks and service marks with the IPO.
