
What is Usenet?

Usenet is an online discussion system which is used by millions of people around the world. It was first developed in the late 1970s and has since become one of the largest online discussion networks. Usenet is organized into thousands of different communities, each with its own focus, and topics of discussion.

How Does Usenet Work?

Usenet is distributed across a network of computers running software which allows users to post, read, and reply to messages. Messages are stored on the computers of all users in the network, allowing users to access messages from any computer in the network. Usenet is organized into thousands of different newsgroups, each of which has its own topic of discussion. Users can join any newsgroup and post messages, which are then made available for other users to read and respond to. Users can also search for specific topics of discussion and join the newsgroups which are most relevant to them.

Usenet Etiquette

Usenet is a community which is based on the exchange of ideas and opinions, and it is important for users to follow a few rules.

  • Be Respectful: Respect the opinions of other users, and do not post offensive or inflammatory messages.
  • Be Relevant: Stick to the topic of the newsgroup, and do not post off-topic messages.
  • Be Responsible: Usenet is an open platform, and users are responsible for their own actions.


Usenet is an online discussion system which is used by millions of people around the world. It is organized into thousands of different communities, each with its own focus, and topics of discussion. Users must follow certain rules of etiquette when using Usenet, and are responsible for their own actions. For more information about Usenet, you can visit the following websites: