Wagon distributor

What is a Wagon Distributor?

A wagon distributor is an important component of a railway infrastructure. It is an electrical device that distributes electrical power to the wagons on a railway network. It is also used to provide traction power to the locomotives. The wagon distributor is used to control the traction current supplied to the locomotives and to regulate the speed of the wagons.

How does a Wagon Distributor Work?

The wagon distributor is used to control the power supplied to the locomotive by the track power supply. It is connected to the main track power supply and to the locomotive’s traction motor. The wagon distributor transmits the power from the track power supply to the locomotive in two different ways. Firstly, it transmits the power through the contactor, which is a switch that is used to control the current. Secondly, it transmits the power through the traction motor, which is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. The wagon distributor also regulates the speed of the wagons by using a regulator. The regulator is a device that is used to control the speed of the locomotive. It is connected to the traction motor and to the track power supply. The regulator adjusts the voltage of the power supply in order to maintain the desired speed of the locomotive.

Advantages of a Wagon Distributor

The wagon distributor provides several advantages for the railway network:

  • It helps to maintain the required speed of locomotives.
  • It helps to reduce the electricity losses during the transmission of power.
  • It helps to reduce the cost of power distribution.
  • It helps to increase the efficiency of the railway network.
  • It helps to reduce the maintenance costs of the railway network.


The wagon distributor is an important component of the railway network. It helps to maintain the required speed of the locomotives and to reduce the electricity losses during the transmission of power. It also helps to reduce the cost of power distribution and to increase the efficiency of the railway network. For more information about wagon distributors, please visit the following links: