World Wide Web

What is World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web (WWW) is an information system which allows you to view and interact with documents, videos, images and other information on the internet. It allows us to find and share information quickly and easily. It was created by the English scientist Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 and has since become the most popular way to access the internet.

How Does the World Wide Web Work?

The World Wide Web works by allowing users to access websites, which are collections of webpages, stored on computers around the world. When a user types in a web address, their computer sends a request to the server which hosts the website. The server then sends back the webpages which make up the website.

Features of the World Wide Web

The World Wide Web has many features which make it useful and popular:

  • It is easy to use – you don’t need to be a computer expert to use it.
  • It is highly accessible – anyone with an internet connection can access the web.
  • It allows for interactive content – users can interact with websites through forms, polls and other interactive elements.
  • It allows for multimedia content – websites can contain images, videos and audio.
  • It is constantly evolving – new technologies and features are continually being developed.


The World Wide Web is an incredible information system which has revolutionised the way that we access and share information. It has made the internet more accessible and easier to use, and has allowed us to explore and discover new content in ways that were not possible before. For more information, please visit the World Wide Web Consortium and the Web Foundation.