Benefit chain

What is a Benefit Chain?

A benefit chain is a sequence of activities that lead to the delivery of a desired result. It is a tool used to identify and analyze the full range of benefits that a project, program or policy will bring, and to identify the activities required to bring these benefits about. The benefit chain can be used to identify the potential benefits of a project, program or policy before it begins, as well as to measure and evaluate the actual benefits delivered once the project has been implemented.

Benefits of a Benefit Chain

A benefit chain can be used to evaluate the potential benefits of a project, program or policy before it is implemented and to measure and evaluate the actual benefits delivered once the project has been implemented. The benefit chain can help to identify and understand the linkages between the various activities and outcomes of the project, and to identify which activities are most effective in delivering the desired benefits. The benefit chain can also be used to identify any potential negative impacts of a project, program or policy, and to ensure that these are addressed in the design and execution of the project. Finally, the benefit chain can be used to identify any gaps in the delivery of benefits and to identify ways to improve the effectiveness of the activities.

Examples of Benefit Chains

Examples of benefit chains can be found in many different areas. For example, a benefit chain could be used to analyze the potential benefits of a renewable energy project, such as increased energy security, reduced air pollution and improved local economic activity. In the health sector, a benefit chain could be used to analyze the potential benefits of a health promotion program, such as increased physical activity, improved health outcomes and cost savings. In the education sector, a benefit chain could be used to analyze the potential benefits of a school improvement program, such as improved academic performance and increased employment opportunities.


The benefit chain is an important tool for understanding the potential benefits of a project, program or policy, as well as for identifying and evaluating the activities that are necessary to deliver those benefits. By understanding the full range of benefits delivered by a project, program or policy, it is possible to ensure that the most effective activities are identified and implemented. For more information about benefit chains, please see the following links: