Compensatory model

What is the Compensatory Model?

The Compensatory Model is a theory of motivation that suggests humans, and even animals, have a tendency to try and attain a desired level of satisfaction. This is done by compensating for any deficits or discrepancies in their life. This model suggests that when a person experiences a shortage in one area, they will invest more energy in another area to make up for it, in order to reach a desired level of satisfaction.

Examples of the Compensatory Model

Here are some examples of how the Compensatory Model works in everyday life:

  • A person who lacks love and attention might try to find it in an unhealthy relationship.
  • A person who doesn’t have a good education might use their natural talents and abilities to try and achieve success.
  • A person who feels like they are not being heard might put in extra effort to be noticed and appreciated.
  • A person who doesn’t have a lot of money might work hard to make more money.


The Compensatory Model is a powerful theory of motivation that explains how people and animals strive to reach their desired level of satisfaction. It suggests that when someone experiences a lack of something, they will invest energy in another area to make up for it. For further reading, please refer to the following links: