Face validity

What is Face Validity?

Face validity is an informal assessment tool that is used to determine whether a test, survey, or questionnaire appears to measure what it claims to measure on the surface. It is the simplest type of validity, and it does not require statistical analysis. Instead, it relies on the opinion of the person who is judging the test.

Examples of Face Validity

  • A math test that includes questions related to the topics covered in a specific math course.
  • A survey that includes questions related to the research topic.
  • A questionnaire that is designed to measure anxiety.

Limitations of Face Validity

Although face validity is an important part of the evaluation process, it is not a reliable measure of a test’s actual validity. It is important to remember that just because a test appears to measure what it claims to measure on the surface, it does not necessarily mean that it will yield valid results.


Face validity is an informal assessment tool that can provide valuable insight into the reliability of a test, survey, or questionnaire. However, it should not be used as the sole measure of validity, as it does not necessarily indicate whether a test will yield valid results.References: