Hi-Lo pricing

What is Hi-Lo Pricing?

Hi-Lo pricing is a type of pricing strategy used by retailers to increase sales and profits by charging customers different prices for the same product. The strategy works by alternating between a higher and a lower price for the same item. This strategy is often used by retailers to create a sense of urgency with customers, encouraging them to take advantage of lower prices while they last.

Benefits of Hi-Lo Pricing

Hi-Lo pricing provides numerous benefits for retailers, including:

  • Increase sales by creating a sense of urgency with customers.
  • Greater profits by charging higher prices during peak demand.
  • Increased customer loyalty by lowering prices during periods of low demand.
  • Better customer insights as customers are more likely to provide feedback on the pricing strategy.

Examples of Hi-Lo Pricing

Hi-Lo pricing is commonly used in the retail industry, but can be applied to a range of products and services. Here are a few examples of how Hi-Lo pricing can be used:

  • Seasonal Pricing – Retailers often apply Hi-Lo pricing to seasonal items, such as winter coats or holiday decorations. During peak demand, retailers can charge higher prices for these items, while during periods of low demand, they can lower prices to encourage sales.
  • Coupons and Promotions – Retailers can use Hi-Lo pricing to offer discounts and promotions to customers. For example, a retailer may offer a 20% discount on select items during peak demand, and then offer a 10% discount on the same items during periods of low demand.
  • Dynamic Pricing – Retailers can use Hi-Lo pricing to adjust prices based on customer demand. For example, a retailer may offer a higher price for a popular item during peak demand, and then lower the price when demand decreases.


Hi-Lo pricing is a powerful tool that can be used by retailers to increase sales and profits. By alternating between a higher and a lower price for the same item, retailers can create a sense of urgency with customers and adjust prices according to customer demand. For more information on Hi-Lo pricing, check out the following resources: