Publisher Ad Tag

What Is a Publisher Ad Tag?

Publisher ad tags are snippets of code that are used to serve ads from various ad networks into a website or app. They are an essential part of the advertising technology stack, as they enable publishers to place ads on their website or app and receive payment for the impressions they generate. Ad tags are placed on a website or app and are used to retrieve ads from an ad server. They can also be used to track the performance of an ad campaign. Ad tags are usually generated by the ad network, and the publisher then places them on their website or app.

Types of Ad Tags

Ad tags come in different types and formats, depending on the ad network and the platform they are being used on. Some of the most common types of ad tags include:

  • JavaScript Tags: These are snippets of JavaScript code that are placed on a website to serve ads. They can be used to serve ads from a variety of ad networks.
  • HTML Tags: HTML tags are snippets of HTML code that are placed on a website to serve ads. They can be used to serve ads from a variety of ad networks.
  • iFrame Tags: iFrame tags are snippets of HTML code that are placed on a website or app to serve ads. They can be used to serve ads from a variety of ad networks.

Benefits of Using Ad Tags

Ad tags are a great way for publishers to monetize their website or app. They enable publishers to serve ads from multiple ad networks, which can result in more revenue. Ad tags also make it easier for publishers to track the performance of their ads, as they provide detailed analytics about the impressions, clicks, and view-throughs of each ad.


Ad tags are an essential part of the advertising technology stack, as they enable publishers to monetize their website or app and track the performance of their ads. They come in different types and formats, and they can be used to serve ads from multiple ad networks. Resources: