Rich Media

What is Rich Media?

Rich Media is a term used to describe media which has some type of interactive component or includes audio and/or video. It can come in many different forms and is used to engage and enhance the user experience. Rich media is often used to advertise and promote products or services, as it is more likely to capture and hold the attention of viewers.

Examples of Rich Media

Rich media can take many forms, including:

  • Video and audio content
  • Interactive elements such images, animation, and forms
  • Games and applications
  • Enhanced advertising
  • Interactive content such as surveys and polls

For example, a video advertisement may include interactive elements such as a ‘Skip Ad’ button, which allows users to move to the next video. This type of rich media can be used to engage viewers and encourage them to take action. Other examples of rich media include interactive maps, surveys, and polls that allow viewers to interact with the content and provide feedback.

Benefits of Using Rich Media

Rich media has a number of benefits when used in digital marketing, including:

  • Engagement: Rich media can increase user engagement by providing interactive elements that keep viewers interested.
  • Brand Awareness: Rich media can be used to create an engaging experience for viewers and increase brand awareness.
  • Conversion: Rich media can be used to drive conversions by providing interactive elements such as forms, surveys, and polls.


Rich media is an effective tool for digital marketing, as it can create an engaging experience for viewers and increase brand awareness. It can also be used to drive conversions by providing interactive elements such as forms, surveys, and polls. Sources: