Unique visitor

What is a Unique Visitor?

A unique visitor is someone who visits a website, mobile app, or other online property for the first time within a specific time frame. This time frame is typically set at 30 days by web analytics programs. Unique visitors are used to measure the health of a website or mobile app, as they indicate how many new people are visiting a website, app, or other online property. Unique visitors are usually tracked by assigning each visitor a unique identifier, such as an IP address, or by using cookies to track repeat visitors.

Why Are Unique Visitors Important?

Unique visitors are important because they’re a good indicator of how many new people are visiting a website, mobile app, or other online property. This is important to measure because it’s typically more difficult to convert a new visitor into a customer or user than a repeat visitor. For example, if a website has 100,000 visitors a month, but only 40,000 of those are unique visitors, it could mean that the website isn’t appealing to new visitors or isn’t providing enough fresh content.

Examples of Unique Visitors

Here are some examples of unique visitors:

  • A person visits a website for the first time in a 30-day period.
  • A person visits a mobile app for the first time in a 30-day period.
  • A person visits a blog for the first time in a 30-day period.
  • A person visits an online store for the first time in a 30-day period.


Unique visitors are a critical metric for measuring the health of a website, mobile app, or other online property. They can provide insight into how many new people are visiting a site, app, or other online property, and can be used to measure the success of marketing efforts. For more information, check out What is a Unique Visitor?, The Unique Visitor Metric: What it is, Why it Matters, and What Are Unique Visitors? Definition & How to Increase Uniques.