Attitudes (measurement)

Measuring Attitudes

Attitude is a psychological construct that describes a person’s overall evaluations and feelings towards a particular object, person, event, or issue. Attitudes are typically measured with surveys and questionnaires that are designed to capture the general sentiment of a person towards the object being evaluated. Attitude measurement is an important field of study as attitudes can predict future behaviors and can be used to guide decision-making in a variety of contexts.

Attitude Measurement Techniques

Attitudes can be measured in a variety of ways, including:

  • Self-report surveys: Respondents answer questions about their attitudes towards an object or issue.
  • Observational studies: Observers use scales to rate observed behavior or characteristics of an individual.
  • Implicit measures: Respondents are asked to perform tasks or answer questions that measure their implicit attitudes.
  • Brain imaging: Advanced brain imaging techniques can measure the neural correlates of attitudes.

Applications of Attitude Measurement

Attitude measurement is used in a variety of contexts, including:

  • Market research: Companies measure consumer attitudes towards their products and services.
  • Political campaigns: Political candidates measure the attitudes of their constituents.
  • Education: Researchers measure attitudes towards learning, teachers, and school.
  • Healthcare: Health professionals measure attitudes towards medical treatments and health behaviors.


Attitude measurement is an important field of study that has a wide range of applications. By understanding how attitudes are formed and what they predict, researchers can better understand and influence human behavior.
