Conjoint analysis

What is Conjoint Analysis?

Conjoint analysis is a market research technique used to determine how consumers value different attributes (such as features, price, etc.) that make up an individual product or service. The analysis is used to measure the trade-offs consumers are willing to make between various attributes when selecting a product or service. This type of analysis allows marketers to identify the combination of features that are most attractive to customers, helping them to better design and price their products and services.

Benefits of Conjoint Analysis

Conjoint analysis is beneficial for many reasons. It can provide marketers with a better understanding of consumer preferences and demand. It can also help marketers to identify the optimal combination of features and pricing that are most attractive to consumers. Additionally, it can help marketers to understand how changes to product features and pricing will affect consumer purchasing decisions.

How Conjoint Analysis Works

Conjoint analysis is typically conducted with a survey. Participants are asked to evaluate a number of different product or service combinations, rating each combination on a scale from 1 to 10. The survey results are then used to identify the combination of features and pricing that is most attractive to consumers.

Examples of Conjoint Analysis

One example of conjoint analysis is a survey conducted by a phone manufacturer to determine the features and pricing that will be most attractive to consumers. The survey may include questions about battery life, camera quality, screen size, memory capacity, and price. Participants may be asked to rate each combination from 1 to 10. Based on the survey results, the manufacturer can then determine the optimal combination of features and pricing that will be most attractive to consumers. Another example of conjoint analysis is a survey conducted by an online retailer to determine the optimal combination of shipping speed and price. Participants are asked to rate different combinations of shipping speed and price. Based on the results, the retailer can then determine the combination of shipping speed and price that is most attractive to consumers.


Conjoint analysis is a valuable market research technique that can help marketers to understand consumer preferences and demand. It can also help marketers to identify the optimal combination of features and pricing that will be most attractive to consumers.
