Predictive validity

What is Predictive Validity?

Predictive validity is a type of validity that assesses how well a measure can predict future behaviours and outcomes. It is used in a variety of contexts, including educational and psychological testing, to determine the validity of a test or other measure. Predictive validity is often used to measure the effectiveness of a test or measure in predicting behaviour or outcomes.

Uses of Predictive Validity

Predictive validity is used in many contexts, including:

  • Educational testing: Predictive validity is used to determine if a test can predict future academic success or failure.
  • Employment testing: Predictive validity is used to measure a job candidate’s potential to perform well in a particular role.
  • Psychological testing: Predictive validity is used to measure a person’s potential to develop a certain mental disorder.
  • Diagnostic testing: Predictive validity is used to determine if a test can accurately diagnose a particular condition.

Examples of Predictive Validity

  • A psychological test is designed to measure a person’s potential to develop depression. The test is given to a group of individuals and the results are compared to their future mental health status. If the test is found to be predictive of future depression in the group, it is said to have predictive validity.
  • A company uses an aptitude test to evaluate job applicants. The test is given to a group of applicants and the results are compared to their performance on the job. If the test is found to be predictive of job performance, it is said to have predictive validity.
  • A college admissions test is designed to measure a student’s potential to be successful in college. The test is given to a group of students and the results are compared to their future academic performance. If the test is found to be predictive of future college success, it is said to have predictive validity.

Predictive validity is an important measure of the effectiveness of a test or measure. It is used to assess the validity of a test or measure in predicting future behaviours and outcomes. For further information on predictive validity, please visit: