
What is a Protocol?

A protocol is a set of rules and standards that define how two or more computers communicate with each other. It defines how two or more devices can interact with each other to transfer data. In order to ensure successful communication between two devices, both devices must understand and adhere to the same protocol.

Examples of Protocols

There are many different types of protocols that are used for different purposes. Some of the most common protocols include:

  • TCP/IP: This is the most common protocol used on the Internet. It is used to connect different networks and allows for communication between them.
  • HTTP: This is the protocol used for web communication. It defines how web pages are sent, received and displayed in web browsers.
  • SMTP: This is the protocol used for sending and receiving emails. It defines how emails are transmitted over the Internet.
  • FTP: This is the protocol used for transferring files over the Internet. It defines how files are transferred between two computers.
  • SSH: This is the protocol used for secure remote access. It defines how remote users can securely connect to a computer over the Internet.


Protocols are essential for successful communication between two or more devices. Without protocols, computers would not be able to understand each other and data would not be able to be transferred. There are many different types of protocols, each used for different purposes. Learn more: