Target return pricing

Understanding Target Return Pricing

Target return pricing is a pricing strategy that companies use to increase their profit margins. The strategy involves setting a target price for a product or service based on the expected return that the company wants to achieve. This type of pricing is often used in competitive markets, where companies need to be aggressive to gain market share and remain competitive.

How does it work?

Target return pricing works by setting a target price for a product or service based on the expected return the company wants to achieve. This target price is typically set as a percentage of the cost of producing the product or service. The company then adds a markup to the price to reach its desired target return.

Benefits of Target Return Pricing

Target return pricing has several benefits for businesses:

  • It ensures that the company reaches its desired return on investment.
  • It allows companies to remain competitive in the market.
  • It allows companies to adjust their prices according to market conditions.
  • It encourages businesses to focus on increasing efficiency and productivity.

Examples of Target Return Pricing

Target return pricing is often used in the retail industry. For example, a retailer might set a target price of $20 for a shirt, based on the cost of producing the shirt and the desired return the company wants to achieve. The retailer then adds a markup to the price to reach its target return. Target return pricing is also used in the hospitality industry. For example, a hotel might set a target price for a room based on the cost of providing the service and the desired return the company wants to achieve. The hotel then adds a markup to the price to reach its target return.


Target return pricing is a pricing strategy that businesses use to increase their profit margins. It allows companies to remain competitive in the market and adjust their prices according to market conditions. Target return pricing is often used in the retail and hospitality industries, where companies need to be aggressive to gain market share and remain competitive.
