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Clicks-and-mortar is a term used to describe a business model that combines both online and offline operations. This approach allows companies to reach a wider audience and provide customers with a seamless shopping experience.

One example of a clicks-and-mortar business is Amazon, which started as an online bookstore and later expanded to include physical stores such as Amazon Go and Whole Foods. By offering both online and offline options, Amazon is able to cater to a variety of customer preferences and shopping habits.

Another example is Walmart, which has successfully integrated its e-commerce platform with its brick-and-mortar stores. Customers can shop online and have their items delivered or pick them up in-store, providing a convenient shopping experience.

Overall, clicks-and-mortar businesses have the advantage of leveraging the strengths of both online and offline channels to create a more robust and flexible business model.

  • Increased reach and accessibility for customers
  • Ability to cater to different shopping preferences
  • Seamless shopping experience across online and offline channels

For more information on clicks-and-mortar businesses, you can visit Wikipedia.