Cost per rating point

What is Cost per Rating Point?

Cost per Rating Point (CPRP) is an advertising metric used to measure the cost effectiveness of a media campaign. It is calculated by dividing the total cost of a campaign by the total ratings points achieved. This metric provides an indication of the cost-effectiveness of a media campaign and helps to compare different media channels.

Calculating Cost per Rating Point

CPRP is calculated by dividing total cost of a campaign by the total rating points achieved. The formula is as follows: CPRP = Total Cost of Campaign / Total Rating Points For example, if a campaign costs $10,000 and achieved 10 rating points, the CPRP would be calculated as follows: CPRP = $10,000 / 10 = $1,000

How to Use Cost per Rating Point

CPRP is used to compare the cost-effectiveness of different media channels. It is a useful metric for media planners and advertisers to measure the cost effectiveness of a campaign and to decide which media channels to focus on. CPRP can also be used to compare the cost-effectiveness of different campaigns. This allows for better media planning decisions and more effective budget allocation.


Cost per Rating Point is an important metric used to measure the cost-effectiveness of a media campaign. It is calculated by dividing the total cost of a campaign by the total rating points achieved. CPRP can be used to compare the cost-effectiveness of different media channels and campaigns and can help with media planning decisions and budget allocation.

Further Reading