
What is a Persona?

A persona is a representation of a user, customer, or other stakeholder in a product or project. Personas are created based on research and used to help inform design decisions. Personas help product teams understand the motivations, behaviors, and goals of the people they are designing for.

Why Use Personas?

Personas are an effective way to bring user needs and preferences into the design process. Personas help teams focus on user needs and create a shared understanding of the target audience. They can also help make sure product design decisions are based on user feedback and research. Some of the benefits of using personas include:

  • Making sure design decisions are based on user research
  • Creating a shared understanding of user needs and goals
  • Helping teams focus on user needs, not opinions or assumptions
  • Encouraging empathy for users

Creating Personas

Creating personas involves gathering data from user research, surveys, interviews, and other sources. This data is then used to create detailed descriptions of the users and their needs. Personas should include demographic information, goals, behavior patterns, frustrations, and more. Personas should be based on real data, but they are not actual people. They are fictional characters that represent a group of people. Personas should be realistic, so they should be based on actual user data.

Examples of Personas

Personas are used in a variety of industries, including software development, product design, marketing, and more. Here are some examples of personas:

  • A software developer creating a mobile app for busy parents
  • A product designer creating a website for online shoppers
  • A marketer designing a campaign for college students

Personas can be used to inform decisions around product features, design, marketing, and more.


Personas are an effective way to bring user needs and preferences into the design process. They help teams focus on user needs and create a shared understanding of the target audience. Personas should be based on real data and should be realistic representations of users. Personas can be used to inform decisions around product features, design, marketing, and more.

Further Reading