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Backdoor selling

Backdoor selling is a sales technique that involves selling additional products or services to a customer after the main sale has been completed. This can happen in a sneaky or underhanded way, where the salesperson takes advantage of the customer’s trust to push more products or services onto them.

For example, a customer may have just purchased a new car and the salesperson tries to sell them an extended warranty, rust protection, or other add-ons that may not be necessary. This is done without fully disclosing the details or giving the customer a chance to consider their options.

Backdoor selling can create distrust between the customer and the salesperson, and ultimately damage the relationship. It is important for sales professionals to be transparent and honest with their customers to build trust and ensure repeat business.

  • Always provide full information about the products or services being sold
  • Give customers time to consider their options and make an informed decision
  • Avoid pressuring customers into buying additional products or services they may not need

By being upfront and ethical in their sales practices, sales professionals can build positive relationships with customers and increase their chances of repeat business and referrals.

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