Cluster analysis

What is Cluster Analysis?

Cluster analysis is a type of unsupervised machine learning algorithm used to group data points into clusters of similar characteristics. It is used to explore relationships among data, identify trends, and group objects into categories. It is a useful tool for data mining and predictive analytics.

How does Cluster Analysis work?

Cluster analysis works by using a measure of similarity to group data points together. The algorithm will look for patterns in the data and then group data points together that have similar characteristics. The number of clusters is determined by the algorithm, but can be specified by the user.

Examples of Cluster Analysis

Cluster analysis is used in many different fields, such as customer segmentation, market research, image analysis, and data mining. Here are some examples of cluster analysis in action:

  • Customer segmentation: Analyzing customer data to group customers into different types and understand their behaviors.
  • Market research: Analyzing customer data to understand customer preferences and segment them into different groups.
  • Image analysis: Grouping images into different categories based on their features.
  • Data mining: Grouping data points into clusters and analyzing them for insights.


Cluster analysis is a powerful tool for exploring relationships among data points and uncovering insights. It can be used in many different fields and can help improve decision making and predictive analytics.
