KPI driver

What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Driver?

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) driver is a metric designed to measure the performance of a specific area of an organization’s operations. KPIs are used to identify areas of improvement, measure progress, and ensure that goals are met. They can be used to evaluate a variety of elements, from customer service to employee satisfaction to overall profitability. KPIs are used to assess performance against goals or benchmarks and provide insights into potential areas of improvement. KPIs are also used to establish accountability for each team or department.

Examples of KPI Drivers

KPI drivers vary depending on the industry and nature of the business, but there are some common indicators that are used to evaluate performance. Examples of KPI drivers include:

  • Customer satisfaction score: This metric measures customer satisfaction with a product or service.
  • Employee turnover rate: This metric measures the rate at which employees leave an organization.
  • Revenue per employee: This metric measures the amount of revenue generated by each employee.
  • Time to market: This metric measures the time it takes to bring a product or service to market.
  • Operational efficiency: This metric measures the efficiency of a business’s operations.
  • Cost per customer acquisition: This metric measures the cost of acquiring a new customer.


KPI drivers are essential metrics used to measure the performance of an organization. They provide insights into areas of improvement and help ensure that organizational goals are met. By understanding the metrics behind KPI drivers, organizations can better evaluate their performance and identify areas of improvement.References: Key Performance IndicatorsPerformance MeasurementMetric (Mathematics)