What is a KPI?

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are metrics used to measure the performance of a business, project, or individual. They are used to compare actual performance against targets and goals and to identify opportunities for improvement. KPIs measure the progress and success of the business, project, or individual, providing insight into how they are doing and what can be done to improve.

Types of KPIs

There are many different types of KPIs, which can be divided into categories based on their purpose. Here are some of the most common types of KPIs:

  • Financial KPIs – These measure financial performance such as revenue, profits, costs, and cashflow.
  • Operational KPIs – These measure operational performance such as customer satisfaction, lead generation, and employee engagement.
  • Marketing KPIs – These measure marketing performance such as website visits, email open rates, and social media engagement.
  • Strategic KPIs – These measure strategic performance such as market share, customer loyalty, and product usage.

Examples of KPIs

KPIs can be used to measure performance in all areas of a business, project, or individual. Here are some examples of common KPIs:

  • Revenue growth
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Cost per lead
  • Conversion rate
  • Employee engagement
  • Market share
  • Product usage
  • Website visits
  • Social media engagement


KPIs are an essential tool for measuring performance and identifying opportunities for improvement. They provide insight into how the business, project, or individual is doing and can help identify areas that need to be addressed. For more information on KPIs and how to use them, check out the following resources: