
What is Laddering?

Laddering is a powerful consumer research technique used to uncover deeper insights. It involves asking a series of questions that become progressively more specific in order to drill down into a consumer’s motivations and attitudes. By uncovering these attitudes, marketers can gain greater insight into consumer behavior, allowing them to develop more effective strategies and campaigns.

How Does Laddering Work?

The laddering technique is based on the idea that consumers often purchase products or services based on underlying needs and values, rather than the product or service itself. In order to uncover these needs and values, laddering involves asking a series of questions that become progressively more specific. The technique is used to identify the major and minor motivations that drive consumer behavior.

Steps of Laddering

The laddering technique can be broken down into four distinct steps:

  • Asking Open-Ended Questions: Start by asking open-ended questions to get an understanding of the consumer’s overall attitude towards the product or service.
  • Diving Deeper: Asking the consumer to explain their answer in further detail in order to uncover underlying needs and values.
  • Creating Linkages: Asking the consumer to explain how their needs and values influence their purchasing decisions.
  • Developing Insights: Drawing conclusions from the answers to create useful insights for marketing and product development.

Examples of Laddering

Let’s look at an example to illustrate how laddering works. Suppose you are a marketer for a car company and you want to understand why people buy your cars. You might start by asking an open-ended question such as, “Why do you like buying cars from our company?” The consumer may answer that they like the style and design of the cars. You can then dive deeper by asking them to explain why they like the style and design. The consumer may answer that they like the sleek lines and modern features. You can then ask how the sleek lines and modern features influence their purchasing decisions. The consumer may answer that they feel more confident and stylish when driving a car with those features. From this, you can draw the conclusion that people purchase your cars because they want to feel confident and stylish. This insight can then be used to inform your marketing strategy, such as by emphasizing the stylishness and confidence of your cars in advertisements.


Laddering is a powerful tool for uncovering deeper insights into consumer attitudes and behavior. By asking a series of open-ended questions that become progressively more specific, marketers can gain a better understanding of the underlying needs and values that drive consumer purchasing decisions. This can then be used to inform marketing and product development decisions.
