Perceived quality/esteem

What is Perceived Quality/Esteem?

Perceived quality/esteem is a term used to describe the perceived value of a product or service from a customer’s perspective. It is the way that customers rate a product or service based on their own experience and expectations. Perceived quality/esteem is an important factor when it comes to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Why is Perceived Quality/Esteem Important?

Perceived quality/esteem is important because it can influence customers’ purchasing decisions. Customers will usually choose products or services that they perceive to be of higher quality and esteem, even if they are more expensive. This is why it is important for businesses to make sure that they are providing products or services that meet customers’ expectations.

Examples of Perceived Quality/Esteem

There are many examples of perceived quality/esteem. Here are a few:

  • The quality of customer service – Customers expect to be treated with respect and to receive prompt and helpful service.
  • The quality of the product – Customers expect products to perform as advertised and to last for a reasonable amount of time.
  • The level of convenience – Customers expect to be able to purchase products and services quickly and easily.
  • The level of trust – Customers expect businesses to be honest and to act in their best interests.


Perceived quality/esteem is an important factor when it comes to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Businesses should strive to provide products and services that meet customers’ expectations in order to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty.References: [1] Customer satisfaction [2] Customer loyalty [3] Perceived value